Extrait de The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues (ESA 1997) Organisation du catalogue : Toutes les données proviennent du fichier tyc_main.dat . Les étoiles sont réparties dans 732 zones de 7.5x7.5 degrés correspondant aux grandes régions du Guide Star Catalog . ( Voir Jenkner et al. The Astronomical Journal vol 99, num 6 June 1990 p.2087) Chaque zone est matérialisée par un fichier . Dans chaque fichier les étoiles sont triées par magnitude . Les fichiers sont regroupés en 24 répertoires selon la bande de déclinaison de leurs grandes régions . Description des enregistrements des fichiers : TYCrec = record ar,de : longint; gscz: word; gscn: word; tycn: word; bt,vt,b_v :smallint; end; - ar : ascention droite ICRS (J2000) en degrés * 100'000 - de : declinaison ICRS (J2000) * 100'000 - gscz : région GSC - gscn : numéro de l'étoile dans la région GSC - tycn : numéro du composent - bt : magnitude BT moyenne * 100 - vt : magnitude VT moyenne * 100 - b_v : indice de couleur b-v * 100 Type Intervalle Format ------------ -------------------------- ------------------- Shortint -128 .. 127 Signé, 8 bits SmallInt -32768 .. 32767 Signé, 16 bits Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 Signé, 32 bits Byte 0 .. 255 Non signé, 8 bits Word 0 .. 65535 Non signé, 16 bits Description originale du catalogue : I/239 The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues (ESA 1997) Description: The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues are the primary products of the European Space Agency's astrometric mission, Hipparcos. The satellite, which operated for four years, returned high quality scientific data from November 1989 to March 1993. Each of the catalogues contains a large quantity of very high quality astrometric and photometric data. In addition there are associated annexes featuring variability and double/multiple star data, and solar system astrometric and photometric measurements. In the case of the Hipparcos Catalogue, the principal parts are provided in both printed and machine-readable form (on CDROM). In the case of the Tycho Catalogue, results are provided in machine-readable form only (on CDROM). Although in general only the final reduced and calibrated astrometric and photometric data are provided, some auxiliary files containing results from intermediate stages of the data processing, of relevance for the more-specialised user, have also been retained for publication. (Some, but not all, data files are available from the Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg.) The global data analysis tasks, proceeding from nearly 1000 Gbit of raw satellite data to the final catalogues, was a lengthy and complex process, and was undertaken by the NDAC and FAST Consortia, together responsible for the production of the Hipparcos Catalogue, and the Tycho Consortium, responsible for the production of the Tycho Catalogue. A fourth scientific consortium, the INCA Consortium, was responsible for the construction of the Hipparcos observing programme, compiling the best-available data for the selected stars before launch into the Hipparcos Input Catalogue. The production of the Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues marks the formal end of the involvement in the mission by the European Space Agency and the four scientific consortia. For more complete and detailed information on the data, the user is advised to refer to Volume 1 ("Introduction and Guide to the Data", ESA SP-1200) of the printed Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues. The user should also note that in order to convert the Double and Multiple Systems (Component solutions) data file hip_dm_c.dat into FITS format it is first necessary to filter the file according to whether the entry is a component record (identified by COMP in field DCM5) or a correlation record (identified by CORR in field DCM5) because of the different structures of the respective records. On a Unix system this can be achieved as follows: grep COMP hip_dm_c.dat > h_dm_com.dat grep CORR hip_dm_c.dat > h_dm_cor.dat The catalogue description file (this file) gives the relevant information for converting the main data files, including h_dm_cor.dat and h_dm_com.dat, into FITS format. The machine readable data files (i.e. those available on CD-ROM and the subset available from the CDS) contain several extra fields in addition to the data from the printed catalogue. These fields are identified by the letter `M' in the data label (e.g. the field DGM1 contains data only available in the machine readable file hip_dm_g.dat). File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe 80 . This file hip_main.dat 450 118218 The Hipparcos Main Catalogue h_dm_com.dat 238 24588 Double and Multiples: Component solutions -COMP h_dm_cor.dat 238 12591 Double and Multiples: Component solutions -CORR hip_dm_g.dat 195 2622 Double and Multiples: Acceleration solutions hip_dm_o.dat 337 235 Double and Multiples: Orbital solutions hip_dm_v.dat 144 288 Double and Multiples: VIM solutions hip_dm_x.dat 22 1561 Double and Multiples: Stochastic solutions hip_va_1.dat 142 2712 Variability Annex: Periodic variables hip_va_2.dat 142 5542 Variability Annex: Unsolved variables solar_ha.dat 64 5609 Solar System Annex: Astrometric catalogue solar_hp.dat 63 2639 Solar System Annex: Photometric catalogue solar_t.dat 95 291 Solar System Annex: Tycho astrometry/photometry hd_notes.dat 97 2622 Hipparcos notes: Double and multiple systems hg_notes.dat 97 3898 Hipparcos notes: General notes hp_notes.dat 97 2444 Hipparcos notes: Photometric notes hp_refs.dat 19 33769 References Hipparcos stars hp_auth.dat 80 4335 References of hp_notes.dat dmsa_o.dat 80 118 References of hip_dm_o.dat tyc_main.dat 350 1058332 The main part of Tycho Catalogue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: I/196 : Hipparcos Input Catalog (HIC) (Turon et al., 1993) I/211 : CCDM (Components of Double and Multiple stars) (Dommanget, 1994) I/146 : PPM-North Catalogue (Roeser et al., 1988) I/193 : PPM-South Catalogue (Bastian et al., 1993) I/208 : 90000 stars Supplement to the PPM Catalogue (Roeser+, 1994) I/197 : Tycho Input Catalogue, Revised version (TICR) (Egret et al. 1992) http://astro.estec.esa.nl/Hipparcos/catalog.htm : the ESA pages on Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues Byte-by-byte Description of file: hip_main.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 A1 --- Catalog [H] Catalogue (H=Hipparcos) (H0) 9- 14 I6 --- HIP Identifier (HIP number) (H1) 16 A1 --- Proxy [HT] Proximity flag (H2) 18- 28 A11 --- RAhms Right ascension in h m s, ICRS (J1991.25) (H3) 30- 40 A11 --- DEdms Declination in deg ' ", ICRS (J1991.25) (H4) 42- 46 F5.2 mag Vmag ? Magnitude in Johnson V (H5) 48 I1 --- VarFlag *[1,3]? Coarse variability flag (H6) 50 A1 --- r_Vmag *[GHT] Source of magnitude (H7) 52- 63 F12.8 deg RAdeg *? alpha, degrees (ICRS, Epoch=J1991.25) (H8) 65- 76 F12.8 deg DEdeg *? delta, degrees (ICRS, Epoch=J1991.25) (H9) 78 A1 --- AstroRef *[*+A-Z] Reference flag for astrometry (H10) 80- 86 F7.2 mas Plx ? Trigonometric parallax (H11) 88- 95 F8.2 mas/yr pmRA ? Proper motion mu_alpha.cos(delta), ICRS(H12) 97-104 F8.2 mas/yr pmDE ? Proper motion mu_delta, ICRS (H13) 106-111 F6.2 mas e_RAdeg ? Standard error in RA*cos(DEdeg) (H14) 113-118 F6.2 mas e_DEdeg ? Standard error in DE (H15) 120-125 F6.2 mas e_Plx ? Standard error in Plx (H16) 127-132 F6.2 mas/yr e_pmRA ? Standard error in pmRA (H17) 134-139 F6.2 mas/yr e_pmDE ? Standard error in pmDE (H18) 141-145 F5.2 --- DE:RA [-1/1]? Correlation, DE/RA*cos(delta) (H19) 147-151 F5.2 --- Plx:RA [-1/1]? Correlation, Plx/RA*cos(delta) (H20) 153-157 F5.2 --- Plx:DE [-1/1]? Correlation, Plx/DE (H21) 159-163 F5.2 --- pmRA:RA [-1/1]? Correlation, pmRA/RA*cos(delta) (H22) 165-169 F5.2 --- pmRA:DE [-1/1]? Correlation, pmRA/DE (H23) 171-175 F5.2 --- pmRA:Plx [-1/1]? Correlation, pmRA/Plx (H24) 177-181 F5.2 --- pmDE:RA [-1/1]? Correlation, pmDE/RA*cos(delta) (H25) 183-187 F5.2 --- pmDE:DE [-1/1]? Correlation, pmDE/DE (H26) 189-193 F5.2 --- pmDE:Plx [-1/1]? Correlation, pmDE/Plx (H27) 195-199 F5.2 --- pmDE:pmRA [-1/1]? Correlation, pmDE/pmRA (H28) 201-203 I3 % F1 ? Percentage of rejected data (H29) 205-209 F5.2 --- F2 *? Goodness-of-fit parameter (H30) 211-216 I6 --- --- HIP number (repetition) (H31) 218-223 F6.3 mag BTmag ? Mean BT magnitude (H32) 225-229 F5.3 mag e_BTmag ? Standard error on BTmag (H33) 231-236 F6.3 mag VTmag ? Mean VT magnitude (H34) 238-242 F5.3 mag e_VTmag ? Standard error on VTmag (H35) 244 A1 --- m_BTmag *[A-Z*-] Reference flag for BT and VTmag (H36) 246-251 F6.3 mag B-V ? Johnson B-V colour (H37) 253-257 F5.3 mag e_B-V ? Standard error on B-V (H38) 259 A1 --- r_B-V [GT] Source of B-V from Ground or Tycho (H39) 261-264 F4.2 mag V-I ? Colour index in Cousins' system (H40) 266-269 F4.2 mag e_V-I ? Standard error on V-I (H41) 271 A1 --- r_V-I *[A-T] Source of V-I (H42) 273 A1 --- CombMag [*] Flag for combined Vmag, B-V, V-I (H43) 275-281 F7.4 mag Hpmag *? Median magnitude in Hipparcos system (H44) 283-288 F6.4 mag e_Hpmag *? Standard error on Hpmag (H45) 290-294 F5.3 mag Hpscat ? Scatter on Hpmag (H46) 296-298 I3 --- o_Hpmag ? Number of observations for Hpmag (H47) 300 A1 --- m_Hpmag *[A-Z*-] Reference flag for Hpmag (H48) 302-306 F5.2 mag Hpmax ? Hpmag at maximum (5th percentile) (H49) 308-312 F5.2 mag HPmin ? Hpmag at minimum (95th percentile) (H50) 314-320 F7.2 d Period ? Variability period (days) (H51) 322 A1 --- HvarType *[CDMPRU]? variability type (H52) 324 A1 --- moreVar *[12] Additional data about variability (H53) 326 A1 --- morePhoto [ABC] Light curve Annex (H54) 328-337 A10 --- CCDM CCDM identifier (H55) 339 A1 --- n_CCDM *[HIM] Historical status flag (H56) 341-342 I2 --- Nsys ? Number of entries with same CCDM (H57) 344-345 I2 --- Ncomp ? Number of components in this entry (H58) 347 A1 --- MultFlag *[CGOVX] Double/Multiple Systems flag (H59) 349 A1 --- Source *[PFILS] Astrometric source flag (H60) 351 A1 --- Qual *[ABCDS] Solution quality (H61) 353-354 A2 --- m_HIP Component identifiers (H62) 356-358 I3 deg theta ? Position angle between components (H63) 360-366 F7.3 arcsec rho ? Angular separation between components (H64) 368-372 F5.3 arcsec e_rho ? Standard error on rho (H65) 374-378 F5.2 mag dHp ? Magnitude difference of components (H66) 380-383 F4.2 mag e_dHp ? Standard error on dHp (H67) 385 A1 --- Survey [S] Flag indicating a Survey Star (H68) 387 A1 --- Chart *[DG] Identification Chart (H69) 389 A1 --- Notes *[DGPWXYZ] Existence of notes (H70) 391-396 I6 --- HD [1/359083]? HD number (H71) 398-407 A10 --- BD Bonner DM , (H72) 409-418 A10 --- CoD Cordoba Durchmusterung (DM) (H73) 420-429 A10 --- CPD Cape Photographic DM (H74) 431-434 F4.2 mag (V-I)red V-I used for reductions (H75) 436-447 A12 --- SpType Spectral type (H76) 449 A1 --- r_SpType *[1234GKSX]? Source of spectral type (H77) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on RAdeg, DEdeg: right ascension and declination are expressed in degrees for epoch J1991.25 (JD2448349.0625 (TT)) in the ICRS (International Celestial Reference System, consistent with J2000) reference system. There are 263 cases where these fields are missing (no astrometric solution could be found) Note on VarFlag: the values are 1: < 0.06mag ; 2: 0.06-0.6mag ; 3: >0.6mag Note on r_Vmag: the source is G = ground-based, H=HIP, T=Tycho Note on AstroRef: this flag indicates that the astrometric parameters in H3-4 and H8-30 refer to: A to Z: the letter indicates the component of a double or multiple system *: the photocentre of a double or multiple system +: the centre of mass Note on F2: values exceeding +3 indicate a bad fit to the data. Note on m_BTmag: this flag indicates the component or combined photometry: A to Z : the letter indicates the component measured in Tycho (non-single star) * : the photometry refers to all components of the Hipparcos entry - : single-pointing triple or quadruple system Note on r_V-I: the origin of the V-I colour, in summary: 'A' for an observation of V-I in Cousins' system; 'B' to 'K' when V-I derived from measurements in other bands/photoelectric systems 'L' to 'P' when V-I derived from Hipparcos and Star Mapper photometry 'Q' for long-period variables 'R' to 'T' when colours are unknown Note on Hpmag, e_Hpmag: the Hipparcos magnitude could not be determined for 14 stars. Note on m_Hpmag: this flag indicates for double or multiple entries: A to Z : the letter indicates the specified component measured * : combined Hpmag of a double system, corrected for attenuation - : combined Hpmag of a multiple system, not corrected for attenuation Note on HvarType: Hipparcos-defined type of variability (a blank entry signifies that the entry could not be classified as variable or constant): C : no variability detected ("constant") D : duplicity-induced variability M : possibly micro-variable (amplitude < 0.03mag) P : periodic variable R : V-I colour index was revised due to variability analysis U : unsolved variable which does not fall in the other categories Note on moreVar: more data about periodic variability are provided Note on n_CCDM: the flag takes the following values: H : determined multiple by Hipparcos, previously unknown I : system previously identified as multiple in HIC (annex1) M : miscellaneous (system identified after publication of HIC) Note on MultFlag: indicates that further details are given in the Double and Multiple Systems Annex: C : solutions for the components G : acceleration or higher order terms O : orbital solutions V : variability-induced movers (apparent motion arises from variability) X : stochastic solution (probably astrometric binaries with short period) Note on Source: qualifies the source of the astrometric parameters H8-30 with a 'C' in MultFlag: P : primary target of a 2- or 3-pointing system F : secondary or tertiary of a 2- or 3-pointing 'fixed' system (common parallax and proper motions) I : secondary or tertiary of a 2- or 3-pointing 'independent' system (no constraints on parallax or proper motions) L : secondary or tertiary of a 2- or 3-pointing 'linear' system (common parallax) S : astrometric parameters from 'single-star merging' process. Note on Qual: Reliability of the double or multiple star solution: A=good, B=fair, C=poor, D=uncertain, S=suspected non-single Note on Chart: the chart was produced: D : from the STScI Digitized Sky Survey G : from the Guide Star Catalog Note on Notes: the flag has the following meaning: D : double and multiple systems note only (note in hd_notes.dat file) G : general note only (note in hg_notes.dat file) P : photometric notes only (note in hp_notes.dat file) W : D + P X : D + G Y : G + P Z : D + G + P Note on r_SpType: the flag indicates the source, as: 1 : Michigan catalogue for the HD stars, vol. 1 (Houk+, 1975) 2 : Michigan catalogue for the HD stars, vol. 2 (Houk, 1978) 3 : Michigan Catalogue for the HD stars, vol. 3 (Houk, 1982) 4 : Michigan Catalogue for the HD stars, vol. 4 (Houk+, 1988) G : updated after publication of the HIC K : General Catalog of Variable Stars, 4th Ed. (Kholopov+ 1988) S : SIMBAD data-base X : Miscellaneous A blank entry has no corresponding information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: h_dm_com.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 10 A10 --- CCDM CCDM number (DC1) 12 I1 --- S *Solution identifier (DC2) 14 A1 --- Type *[FIL]Type of solution (DC3) 16 A1 --- Source *[CFN] Solution source (DC4) 18 A1 --- Qual *[ABCD] Solution quality (DC5) 20 A1 --- Notes *[DGPWXYZ] Existence of notes (DC6) 22 I1 --- Nsys Number of solutions for the system (DCM1) 24- 25 I2 --- Ncomp Number of components in this solution (DCM2) 27- 28 I2 --- Nparm Number of free parameters in solution (DCM3) 30- 31 I2 --- Ncorr Number of correlation records (DCM4) 33- 36 A4 --- --- [COMP] This field contains the word COMP(DCM5) 38- 39 I2 --- seq Sequential component number (DCM6) 41 A1 --- comp_id Component identifier (DC7) 43- 48 I6 --- HIP HIP number (DC8) 50- 55 F6.3 mag Hp Magnitude of component (DC9) 57- 61 F5.3 mag e_Hp Standard error of Hp magnitude (DC10) 63- 68 F6.3 mag BT ? Magnitude of component, BT (DC11) 70- 74 F5.3 mag e_BT ? Standard error of BT (DC12) 76- 81 F6.3 mag VT ? Magnitude of component, VT (DC13) 83- 87 F5.3 mag e_VT ? Standard error of VT (DC14) 89-100 F12.8 deg RAdeg alpha, degrees (ICRS, Epoch=J1991.25) (DC15) 102-113 F12.8 deg DEdeg delta, degrees (ICRS, Epoch=J1991.25) (DC16) 115-121 F7.2 mas Plx Trigonometric parallax (DC17) 123-130 F8.2 mas/yr pmRA Proper motion in mu_alpha.cos(delta)ICRS(DC18) 132-139 F8.2 mas/yr pmDE Proper motion in mu_delta in ICRS (DC19) 141-146 F6.2 mas e_RAdeg Standard error in RA*cos(DEdeg) (DC20) 148-153 F6.2 mas e_DEdeg Standard error in DE (DC21) 155-160 F6.2 mas e_Plx Standard error in Plx (DC22) 162-167 F6.2 mas/yr e_pmRA Standard error in pmRA (DC23) 169-174 F6.2 mas/yr e_pmDE Standard error in pmDE (DC24) 176 A1 --- ref Reference component for following data (DC25) 178-184 F7.3 deg theta *? Position angle (DC26) 186-193 F8.3 arcsec rho ? Separation from reference component (DC27) 195-202 F8.3 deg/yr d.theta ? Rate of change of theta (DC28) 204-209 F6.3 arcsec/yr d.rho ? Rate of change of separation (DC29) 211-212 I2 --- seq_ref *Sequential record number (DCM7) 214-238 A25 --- flag *Status flags for parameters (DCM8) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on S: a digit identifies different solutions pertaining to the same CCDM number. Note on Type: Summary of double or multiple star solution: F: fixed double or multiple system (identical proper motions and parallaxes) I: individual parallaxes and linear (relative) motion (possible optical double star) L: linear double or multiple system (may have different proper motions but assumed to have same parallax) Note on Source: the source of the solution is given by this flag: C: combined FAST and NDAC solution F: solution taken from the FAST Consortium only N: solution taken from the NDAC Consortium only Note on Qual: Reliability of the double or multiple star solution: A=good B=fair C=poor D=uncertain Note on Notes: the flag has the following meaning: D : double and multiple systems note only (note in hd_notes.dat file) G : general note only (note in hg_notes.dat file) P : photometric notes only (note in hp_notes.dat file) W : D + P X : D + G Y : G + P Z : D + G + P Note on theta: position angle relative to reference component Note on seq_ref: Sequential record number for the reference component, this field is set to zero if DC25 is blank. Note on flag: Status flags for Hp, RAdeg, DEdeg, Plx, pmRA, pmDE. 1 = estimated, 0 = constrained to the value of the first component. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: h_dm_cor.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 10 A10 --- CCDM CCDM number (DC1) 12 I1 --- S *Solution identifier (DC2) 14 A1 --- Type *[FIL]Type of solution (DC3) 16 A1 --- Source *[CFN] Solution source (DC4) 18 A1 --- Qual *[ABCD] Solution quality (DC5) 20 A1 --- Notes *[DGPWXYZ] Existence of notes (DC6) 22 I1 --- Nsys Number of solutions for the system (DCM1) 24- 25 I2 --- Ncomp Number of components in this solution (DCM2) 27- 28 I2 --- Nparm Number of free parameters in solution (DCM3) 30- 31 I2 --- Ncorr Number of correlation records (DCM4) 33- 36 A4 --- --- [CORR] This field contains the word CORR (DCM5) 38- 39 I2 --- seq Sequential component number (DCM6) 41- 238 66I3 --- corr *[-99/999]? Correlation coefficients (DCM7) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on S: a digit identifies different solutions pertaining to the same CCDM number. Note on Type: Summary of double or multiple star solution: F: fixed double or multiple system (identical proper motions and parallaxes) I: individual parallaxes and linear (relative) motion (possible optical double star) L: linear double or multiple system (may have different proper motions but assumed to have same parallax) Note on Source: the source of the solution is given by this flag: C: combined FAST and NDAC solution F: solution taken from the FAST Consortium only N: solution taken from the NDAC Consortium only Note on Qual: Reliability of the double or multiple star solution: A=good B=fair C=poor D=uncertain Note on Notes: the flag has the following meaning: D : double and multiple systems note only (note in hd_notes.dat file) G : general note only (note in hg_notes.dat file) P : photometric notes only (note in hp_notes.dat file) W : D + P X : D + G Y : G + P Z : D + G + P Note on corr: the correlation records contain the correlation coefficients among the maximum set of 6N_C parameters. The number of correlation coefficients is 6N_C(6N_C-1)/2=66, 153 and 276 for N_C=2,3,4. A correlation record contains up to 66 coefficients; thus respectively 1,3 and 5 records are needed for a double, triple or quadruple star. The correlation coefficients are coded as integers between -99 and 999 using the arcsine transformation. The order of the correlation coefficients is indicated by the following table: Hp1 RA1 DE1 Plx1 pmRA1 pmDE1 Hp2 RA2 DE2 Plx2 pmRA2 pmDE2 Hp3 ... Hp1 1 r1 r2 r4 r7 r11 r16 r22 r29 r37 r46 r56 r67 ... RA1 r1 1 r3 r5 r8 r12 r17 r23 r30 r38 r47 r57 r68 ... DE1 r2 r3 1 r6 r9 r13 r18 r24 r31 r39 r48 r58 r69 ... Plx1 r4 r5 r6 1 r10 r14 r19 r25 r32 r40 r49 r59 r70 ... pmRA1 r7 r8 r9 r10 1 r15 r20 r26 r33 r41 r50 r60 r71 ... pmDE1 r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 1 r21 r27 r34 r42 r51 r61 r72 ... Hp2 r16 r17 r18 r19 r20 r21 1 r28 r35 r43 r52 r62 r73 ... RA2 r22 r23 r24 r25 r26 r27 r28 1 r36 r44 r53 r63 r74 ... DE2 r29 r30 r31 r32 r33 r34 r35 r36 1 r45 r54 r64 r75 ... Plx2 r37 r38 r39 r40 r41 r42 r43 r44 r45 1 r55 r65 r76 ... pmRA2 r46 r47 r48 r49 r50 r51 r52 r53 r54 r55 1 r66 r77 ... pmDE2 r56 r57 r58 r59 r60 r61 r62 r63 r64 r65 r66 1 r78 ... Hp3 r67 r68 r69 r70 r71 r72 r73 r74 r75 r76 r77 r78 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... These correlation coefficients are written as 66I3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: hip_dm_g.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 6 I6 --- HIP Identifier (HIP number) (DG1) 8- 14 F7.2 mas/yr2 gRA *Acceleration gRA = d(pmRA)/dt (DG2) 16- 22 F7.2 mas/yr2 gDE *Acceleration gDE = d(pmDE)/dt (DG3) 24- 30 F7.2 mas/yr2 e_gRA Standard error of gRA (DG4) 32- 38 F7.2 mas/yr2 e_gDE Standard error of gDE (DG5) 40- 44 F5.2 --- Fg *Significance of the g terms (DG6) 46- 52 F7.2 mas/yr3 dgRA *? dgRA = d2(pmRA)/dt2 (DG7) 54- 60 F7.2 mas/yr3 dgDE *? dgDE = d2(pmDE)/dt2 (DG8) 62- 68 F7.2 mas/yr3 e_dgRA ? Standard error of dgRA (DG9) 70- 76 F7.2 mas/yr3 e_dgDE ? Standard error of dgDE (DG10) 78- 82 F5.2 --- Fdg *? Signifance of the dg terms (DG11) 84 A1 --- Notes *[DGPWXYZ] Existence of notes (DG12) 86 I1 --- num *[7,9] Number of astrometric parameters (DGM1) 88-195 36I3 --- corr *[-99/999]? Correlation coefficients (DGM2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on gRA: component in right ascension of the apparent acceleration of the photocentre at epoch J1991.25. Note on gDE: component in declination of the apparent acceleration of the photocentre at epoch J1991.25. Note on Fg: the quadratic model is only adopted if the g terms are significant (Fg>3.44) Note on dgRA: component in right ascension of the rate of change of the apparent acceleration of the photocentre at epoch J1991.25. Note on dgDE: component in declination of the rate of change of the apparent acceleration of the photocentre at epoch J1991.25. Note on Fdg: The cubic model is only adopted if the dg terms are significant (Fdg>3.44) Note on Notes: the flag has the following meaning: D : double and multiple systems note only (note in hd_notes.dat file) G : general note only (note in hg_notes.dat file) P : photometric notes only (note in hp_notes.dat file) W : D + P X : D + G Y : G + P Z : D + G + P Note on num: for a quadratic model of the photocentric motion this parameter is 7, for a cubic model it is 9. Note on corr: the complete set of n(n-1)*0.5 correlation coefficients (where n=7 for a quadratic and n=9 for a cubic model of the photocentric motion) is given in the order indicated by the following table: RA Dec Plx pmRA pmDE gRA gDE dgRA dgDE RA 1 r1 r2 r4 r7 r11 r16 r22 r29 Dec r1 1 r3 r5 r8 r12 r17 r23 r30 Plx r2 r3 1 r6 r9 r13 r18 r24 r31 pmRA r4 r5 r6 1 r10 r14 r19 r25 r32 pmDE r7 r8 r9 r10 1 r15 r20 r26 r33 gRA r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 1 r21 r27 r34 gDE r16 r17 r18 r19 r20 r21 1 r28 r35 dgRA r22 r23 r24 r25 r26 r27 r28 1 r36 dgDE r29 r30 r31 r32 r33 r34 r35 r36 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: hip_dm_o.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 6 I6 --- HIP Identifier (HIP) (D01) 8- 17 F10.4 d P Orbital period (DO2) 19- 29 F11.4 d T *Time of periastron passage (DO3) 31- 38 F8.2 mas a0 Semi-major axis of photocentric orbit (DO4) 40- 45 F6.4 --- ecc [0,1] Eccentricity (DO5) 47- 52 F6.2 deg w *[0,360] Argument of periastron (DO6) 54- 59 F6.2 deg i *[0,180] Inclination (DO7) 61- 66 F6.2 deg Omega *[0,360] Position angle of the node (DO8) 68- 75 F8.4 d e_P ? Standard error of P (DO9) 77- 85 F9.4 d e_T ? Standard error of T (DO10) 87- 91 F5.2 mas e_a0 ? Standard error of a0 (DO11) 93- 98 F6.4 --- e_ecc ? Standard error of ecc (DO12) 100-105 F6.2 deg e_w ? Standard error of w (DO13) 107-112 F6.2 deg e_i ? Standard error of i (DO14) 114-119 F6.2 deg e_Omega ? Standard error of Omega (DO15) 121-123 I3 --- dmRef *? reference to the literature (DO16) 125 A1 --- Notes *[DGPWXYZ] Existence of notes (DO17) 127-138 A12 --- flag *Status flags for the parameters (DOM1) 140-337 66I3 --- corr *[-99/999]?=450 Correlation coefficients (DOM2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on T: this is the date when the photocentre is closest to the centre of mass in the orbital plane. It is equivalent to the closest approach of the stellar components. Note on w: this is the angle in the orbital plane from the line of nodes to the major axis, measured from the nodal point (DO8) to the periastron in the direction of motion. Note on i: the inclination of the orbital plane to the tangent plane of the sky. Taken to be in the first quadrant if the apparent motion is direct (counter-clockwise) and in the second quadrant for retrograde (clockwise) apparent motion. Note on Omega: This is the position angle (measured counter-clockwise as seen on the sky from the +Dec direction) of the line of nodes, or the intersection of the orbital and tangent planes. If the radial motion of the components is known from spectroscopic studies, then Omega should give the position angle of the ascending node, at which the primary star crosses the tangent plane while receding from the observer. In the absence of spectroscopic information Omega refers to the mode with the smallest positive position angle. Note on dmRef: A reference number in this field points to references in the printed catalogue, explained in dmsa_o.dat file. Note on Notes: the flag has the following meaning: D : double and multiple systems note only (note in hd_notes.dat file) G : general note only (note in hg_notes.dat file) P : photometric notes only (note in hp_notes.dat file) W : D + P X : D + G Y : G + P Z : D + G + P Note on flag: status flags for the 12 astrometric and orbital parameters taken in the order indicated below. 1= estimated; 0= not estimated. Note on corr: the correlation coefficients in bytes 140-337 are given in the table below. Correlation coefficients which are undefined (corresponding to blanks in DO9-15, and a status flag=0 in DOB127) are set to zero. All correlation coefficients are coded as integers between -99 and 999 using the arcsine transformation. Undefined values are coded as 450. RA Dec Plx pmRA pmDE P T a0 e w i Omega RA 1 r1 r2 r4 r7 r11 r16 r22 r29 r37 r46 r56 Dec r1 1 r3 r5 r8 r12 r17 r23 r30 r36 r47 r57 Plx r2 r3 1 r6 r9 r13 r18 r24 r31 r37 r46 r58 pmRA r4 r5 r6 1 r10 r14 r19 r25 r32 r38 r47 r59 pmDE r7 r8 r9 r10 1 r15 r20 r26 r33 r39 r48 r60 P r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 1 r21 r27 r34 r40 r49 r61 T r16 r17 r18 r19 r20 r21 1 r28 r35 r41 r50 r62 a0 r22 r23 r24 r25 r26 r27 r28 1 r36 r42 r51 r63 e r29 r30 r31 r32 r33 r34 r35 r36 1 r43 r52 r64 w r37 r38 r39 r40 r41 r42 r43 r44 r45 1 r53 r65 i r46 r47 r48 r49 r50 r51 r52 r53 r54 r55 1 r66 Omega r56 r57 r59 r59 r60 r61 r62 r63 r64 r65 r66 1 These correlation coefficients are written as 66I3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: hip_dm_v.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 6 I6 --- HIP Identifier (HIP) (DV1) 8- 12 F5.2 mag Hp_ref *Reference magnitude (DV2) 14- 20 F7.2 mas DRA VIM element in right ascension (DV3) 22- 28 F7.2 mas DDE VIM element in declination (DV4) 30- 36 F7.2 mas e_DRA Standard error of DRA (DV5) 38- 44 F7.2 mas e_DDE Standard error of DDE (DV6) 46- 50 F5.2 --- FD *Significance of the VIM elements (DV7) 52- 57 F6.2 deg theta_C *Position angle of the constant component (DV8) 59- 64 F6.2 deg e_theta_C Standard error of theta_C (DV9) 66- 71 F6.1 mas minSep Lower limit for separation of binary (DV10) 73- 78 F6.1 mas dvar *Displacement of photocentre (DV11) 80 A1 --- Notes *[DGPWXYZ] Existence of notes (DV12) 82-144 21I3 --- corr *[-99/999]Correlation coefficients (DVM1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on Hp_ref: the reference magnitude is freely chosen and defines the reference point for the object. The positional parameters RA and Dec (H8, H9 in hip_main.dat) and the VIM elements DV3,DV4 depend on the chosen Hp_ref. DV7-11 do not depend on Hp_ref. Note on FD: The VIM solution is only accepted if FD>2.15 Note on theta_C: position angle of the constant component of the binary with respect to the variable component, measured counterclockwise as seen on the sky from the +Dec direction. Note on dvar: displacement of photocentre between minimum and maximum luminosity of the system. Indicates the size of the VIM effect. Note on Notes: the flag has the following meaning: D : double and multiple systems note only (note in hd_notes.dat file) G : general note only (note in hg_notes.dat file) P : photometric notes only (note in hp_notes.dat file) W : D + P X : D + G Y : G + P Z : D + G + P Note on corr: the correlation coefficients in bytes 82-144 are given in the following sequence: RA Dec Plx pmRA pmDE DRA DDE RA 1 r1 r2 r4 r7 r11 r16 Dec r1 1 r3 r5 r8 r12 r17 Plx r2 r3 1 r6 r9 r13 r18 pmRA r4 r5 r6 1 r10 r14 r19 pmDE r7 r8 r9 r10 1 r15 r20 DRA r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 1 r21 DDE r16 r17 r18 r19 r20 r21 1 These correlation coefficients are written as 21I3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: hip_dm_x.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 6 I6 --- HIP Identifier (HIP) (DX1) 8- 13 F6.2 mas epsilon Cosmic error, epsilon (DX2) 15- 20 F6.2 mas e_epsilon Standard error of epsilon (DX3) 22 A1 --- Notes *[DGPWXYZ] Existence of notes (DX4) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on Notes: the flag has the following meaning: D : double and multiple systems note only (note in hd_notes.dat file) G : general note only (note in hg_notes.dat file) P : photometric notes only (note in hp_notes.dat file) W : D + P X : D + G Y : G + P Z : D + G + P -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: hip_va_1.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 6 I6 --- HIP Identifier (HIP) (P1) 8 A1 --- NewVar [*] Flag if new variable (P2) 10- 21 A12 --- SpType Spectral type (P3) 23 A1 --- HvarType *[CDMPRU] Variability type (1-letter) (P4) 25- 30 A6 --- VarType *Variability type as in GCVS/NSV (P5) 32 A1 --- n_VarType [*] Flag if newly classified by Hipparcos (P6) 34- 39 F6.3 mag maxMag Magnitude at max from curve fitting (P7) 41 A1 --- l_minMag *[>] Limit flag (>) (P8) 43- 48 F6.3 mag minMag Magnitude at min from curve fitting (P9) 50- 55 F6.1 --- log(sA/A) ? log_10(sigma_A / A) (P10) 57- 68 F12.7 d Period ? Mean period in days (P11) 70- 75 F6.1 d log(sP) ? log_10(sigma_P) (P12) 77- 85 F9.4 d Ep-2440000 ? Epoch (JD-2440000) of zero phase (P13) 87 I1 --- q_Ep-2440000 *[0/5]? Precision flag (P14) 89 A1 --- morePhoto [ABC] Light curve Annex (P15) 91 A1 --- Notes *[DGPWXYZ] Existence of notes (P16) 93-104 A12 --- VarName Variable star name (P17) 106-115 F10.5 d period ? Period from literature (P18) 117-126 F10.2 d epoch ? Epoch from literature (P19) 128-132 F5.2 mag max ? Magnitude at max from literature (P20) 134-138 F5.2 mag min ? Magnitude at min from literature (P21) 140 A1 --- Band *[UBVKIRPYb] Photometric band (P22) 142 A1 --- refFlag [R] Reference in printed catalogue (P23) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on HvarType: Hipparcos-defined type of variability: C : no variability detected ("constant") D : duplicity-induced variability M : possibly micro-variable (amplitude < 0.03mag) P : periodic variable R : V-I colour index was revised due to variability analysis U : unsolved variable which does not fall in the other categories Note on VarType: this is the 6-letter type defined in the General Catalog of Variable Stars Note on l_minMag: the flag (>) indicates that the true magnitude at minimum luminosity is likely to be larger than the value of minMag given in P9. Note on q_Ep-2440000: the value is 1-log10(sigma_epoch), i.e. 0 for an accuracy of about 10 days, 1 for an accuracy of about 1 day, 2 for an accuracy of about 0.1day, 3 for an accuracy of about 0.01day, 4 for an accuracy of about 0.001day, 5 for an accuracy of about 0.0001day. Note on Notes: the flag has the following meaning: D : double and multiple systems note only (note in hd_notes.dat file) G : general note only (note in hg_notes.dat file) P : photometric notes only (note in hp_notes.dat file) W : D + P X : D + G Y : G + P Z : D + G + P Note on Band: U,B,V,K,I,R refer to Johnson system, or closely related systems; P refers to photographic magnitudes, Y and b for the Stroemgren y and b bands. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: hip_va_2.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 6 I6 --- HIP Identifier (HIP number) (U1) 8 A1 --- NewVar [*] Flag if new variable (U2) 10- 21 A12 --- SpType Spectral type (U3) 23 A1 --- HvarType *[CDMPRU] Variability type (1-letter) (U4) 25- 30 A6 --- VarType *Variability type (6-letter) as in GCVS/NSV(U5) 32 A1 --- n_VarType [*] Flag if newly classified by Hipparcos (U6) 34- 39 F6.3 mag maxMag *Magnitude at max from curve fitting (U7) 41 A1 --- l_minMag [>] Limit flag (>) (U8) 43- 48 F6.3 mag minMag *Magnitude at min from curve fitting (U9) 50- 55 F6.3 mag med_Hp Median Hp (U10) 57- 68 F12.3 mag A Intrinsic variability amplitude (U11) 70- 75 F6.3 mag e_A Standard error of A (U12) 77- 85 A9 --- --- ? Blank for unsolved variables (U13) 87 A1 --- --- ? Blank for unsolved variables (U14) 89 A1 --- morePhoto [ABC] Light curve Annex (U15) 91 A1 --- Notes *[DGPWXYZ] Notes (U16) 93-104 A12 --- VarName Variable star name (U17) 106-115 F10.5 d period ? Period from literature (U18) 117-126 F10.2 d Ep-2440000 ? Epoch (JD-2440000) from literature (U19) 128-132 F5.2 mag max ? Magnitude at max from literature (U20) 134-138 F5.2 mag min ? Magnitude at min from literature (U21) 140 A1 --- Band *[UBVKIRPYb] Photometric band (U22) 142 A1 --- refFlag [R] Reference in printed catalogue (U23) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on HvarType: Hipparcos-defined type of variability: C : no variability detected ("constant") D : duplicity-induced variability M : possibly micro-variable (amplitude < 0.03mag) P : periodic variable R : V-I colour index was revised due to variability analysis U : unsolved variable which does not fall in the other categories Note on VarType: this is the 6-letter type defined in the General Catalog of Variable Stars Note on maxMag: this is given if significant Note on minMag: this is given if significant Note on Notes: Note on Notes: the flag has the following meaning: D : double and multiple systems note only (note in hd_notes.dat file) G : general note only (note in hg_notes.dat file) P : photometric notes only (note in hp_notes.dat file) W : D + P X : D + G Y : G + P Z : D + G + P Note on Band: U,B,V,K,I,R refer to Johnson system, or closely related systems; P refers to photographic magnitudes, Y and b for the Stroemgren y and b bands. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: solar_ha.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 3 I3 --- ID Object number (SHA1) 5- 15 F11.7 deg RAdeg Reference point RA (ICRS system) (SHA2) 17- 27 F11.7 deg DEdeg Reference point Dec (ICRS system) (SHA3) 29- 41 F13.7 d Ep-2440000 *Measurement epoch (SHA4) 43- 47 F5.2 s delay *Light delay time (SHA5) 49- 55 F7.3 deg theta *Position angle, theta (SHA6) 57- 62 F6.2 mas e_lambda Estimated standard error of abscissa (SHA7) 64 I1 --- flag *[1,2]FAST or NDAC flag (SHA8) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on Ep-2440000: the measurement epoch is specified in JD with respect to JD(TT)2440000.0 and is corrected to the geocentre. Note on delay: this gives the applied light time delay in the geocentric direction of the observed object between the satellite and the Earth. Note on theta: The position angle of the slit coordinate direction w is reckoned positive from North through East. Note on flag: If the transit corresponds to an NDAC record the flag is 1. For a FAST record the flag is 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: solar_hp.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 3 I3 --- ID Object number (SHP1) 5- 15 F11.5 d Ep-2440000 *Measurement epoch (SHP2) 17- 23 F7.4 mag Hp_dc Magnitude from unmodulated signal (SHP3) 25- 30 F6.4 mag e_Hp_dc Standard error on Hp_dc (SHP4) 32- 38 F7.4 mag Hp_ac Magnitude from modulated signal (SHP5) 40- 45 F6.4 mag e_Hp_ac Standard error on Hp_ac (SHP6) 47- 51 F5.3 AU r Distance: Sun-asteroid (SHP7) 53- 57 F5.3 AU Delta Distance: satellite-asteroid (SHP8) 59- 63 F5.2 deg alpha *Solar phase angle (SHP9) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on Ep-2440000: the measurement epoch is specified in JD with respect to JD(TT)2440000.0 and is not corrected to the geocentre (i.e. the light-time delay between the satellite and the earth is also neglected. Note on alpha: the solar phase angle is the angle between the Sun and the satellite as viewed from the asteroid. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: solar_t.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 3 I3 --- ID Object number (ST1) 5- 17 F13.7 d Ep-2440000 *Measurement epoch (ST2) 19- 29 F11.7 deg RAdeg Right ascension (ICRS system) (ST3) 31- 41 F11.7 deg DEdeg Declination (ICRS system) (ST4) 43- 47 F5.2 mag BTmag ? Mean BT magnitude (ST5) 49- 53 F5.2 mag VTmag ? Mean VT magnitude (ST6) 55 I1 --- Flag *[1,2] Transit flag (ST7) 57- 61 F5.1 mas e_RAdeg Standard error on RA (ST8) 63- 67 F5.1 mas e_DEdeg Standard error on Dec (ST9) 69- 73 F5.2 --- DE/RA Correlation, Dec/RA*cos(delta) (ST10) 75- 80 F6.2 deg theta Position angle of slit (direction w) (ST11) 82- 83 I2 --- sign_z *[-1/1] Inclined slit flag (ST12) 85- 89 F5.1 mas e_incl Standard error on slit pos. (inclined) (ST13) 91- 95 F5.1 mas e_vert Standard error on slit pos. (vertical) (ST14) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on Ep-2440000: the measurement epoch is specified in JD with respect to JD(TT)2440000.0 and is not corrected to the geocentre (i.e. the light-time delay between the satellite and the earth is also neglected. Note on Flag: if flag =1 then only one crossing of the field of view has been detected or retained. If Flag n>1, then n candidate observed transits have been detected or retained for that predicted observation. ST1, ST2, ST7, ST11, ST12 are identical in those cases. Note on sign_z: if the transit occurred in the upper branch of the inclined slits, the flag is +1, if the transit occurred in the lower branch of the inclined slits, the flag is -1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: tyc_main.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 A1 --- Catalog [T] Catalogue (T = Tycho) (T0) 3- 14 A12 --- TYC *TYC1-3 (TYC number) (T1) 16 A1 --- Proxy [HT]? Proximity flag (T2) 18- 28 A11 --- RAhms Right ascension in h m s, ICRS (J1991.25) (T3) 30- 40 A11 --- DEdms Declination in deg ' ", ICRS (J1991.25) (T4) 42- 46 F5.2 mag Vmag ? Magnitude in Johnson V (T5) 48 A1 --- --- ? Blank for Tycho (T6) 50 A1 --- r_Vmag *[BDTV] Source of magnitude (T7) 52- 63 F12.8 deg RAdeg *alpha, degrees (ICRS, Epoch=J1991.25) (T8) 65- 76 F12.8 deg DEdeg *delta, degrees (ICRS, Epoch=J1991.25) (T9) 78 A1 --- AstroRef *[X]? Reference flag for astrometry (T10) 80- 86 F7.2 mas Plx *? Trigonometric parallax (T11) 88- 95 F8.2 mas/yr pmRA *? Proper motion mu_alpha.cos(delta), ICRS(T12) 97-104 F8.2 mas/yr pmDE *? Proper motion mu_delta, ICRS (T13) 106-111 F6.2 mas e_RAdeg *? Standard error in RA*cos(delta) (T14) 113-118 F6.2 mas e_DEdeg *? Standard error in DE (T15) 120-125 F6.2 mas e_Plx *? Standard error in Plx (T16) 127-132 F6.2 mas/yr e_pmRA *? Standard error in pmRA (T17) 134-139 F6.2 mas/yr e_pmDE *? Standard error in pmDE (T18) 141-145 F5.2 --- DE:RA [-1/1]? Correlation, DE/RA*cos(delta) (T19) 147-151 F5.2 --- Plx:RA [-1/1]? Correlation, Plx/RA*cos(delta) (T20) 153-157 F5.2 --- Plx:DE [-1/1]? Correlation, Plx/DE (T21) 159-163 F5.2 --- pmRA:RA [-1/1]? Correlation, pmRA/RA*cos(delta) (T22) 165-169 F5.2 --- pmRA:DE [-1/1]? Correlation, pmRA/DE (T23) 171-175 F5.2 --- pmRA:Plx [-1/1]? Correlation, pmRA/Plx (T24) 177-181 F5.2 --- pmDE:RA [-1/1]? Correlation, pmDE/RA*cos(delta) (T25) 183-187 F5.2 --- pmDE:DE [-1/1]? Correlation, pmDE/DE (T26) 189-193 F5.2 --- pmDE:Plx [-1/1]? Correlation, pmDE/Plx (T27) 195-199 F5.2 --- pmDE:pmRA [-1/1]? Correlation, pmDE/pmRA (T28) 201-203 I3 --- Nastro ? Number of transits for astrometry (T29) 205-209 F5.2 --- F2 *? Goodness-of-fit parameter (T30) 211-216 I6 --- HIP ? Hipparcos HIP number (T31) 218-223 F6.3 mag BTmag ? Mean BT magnitude (T32) 225-229 F5.3 mag e_BTmag ? Standard error in BTmag (T33) 231-236 F6.3 mag VTmag ? Mean VT magnitude (T34) 238-242 F5.3 mag e_VTmag ? Standard error in VTmag (T35) 244 A1 --- r_BTmag *[DMNT] Source of photometry (T36) 246-251 F6.3 mag B-V ? Johnson B-V colour (T37) 253-257 F5.3 mag e_B-V ? Standard error on B-V (T38) 259 A1 --- --- ? Blank for Tycho (T39) 261 I1 --- Q *? Astrometric quality flag, Q (T40) 263-266 F4.1 --- Fs ? Signal-to-noise ratio of the star image(T41) 268 A1 --- Source *[HPR] Source of astrometric data (T42) 270-272 I3 --- Nphoto ? Number of transits for photometry (T43) 274-278 F5.3 mag VTscat ? Estimate of VTmag scatter (T44) 280-284 F5.2 mag VTmax ? VTmag at maximum (15th percentile) (T45) 286-290 F5.2 mag VTmin ? VTmag at minimum (85th percentile) (T46) 292 A1 --- Var *[GN]? Known variability from GCVS/NSV (T47) 294 A1 --- VarFlag *[UVW]? Variability from Tycho (T48) 296 A1 --- MultFlag *[DRSYZ]? Duplicity from Tycho (T49) 298 A1 --- morePhoto [AB] Epoch photometry in Annex A or B (T50) 300-301 A2 --- m_HIP CCDM component identifier (T51) 303-308 I6 --- PPM *[1/789676]? PPM and Supplement (T52) 310-315 I6 --- HD [1/359083]? HD cat. (T53) 317-326 A10 --- BD Bonner DM , (T54) 328-337 A10 --- CoD Cordoba DM (T55) 339-348 A10 --- CPD Cape Photographic DM (T56) 350 A1 --- Remark *[JKLM] Notes (T57) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on TYC: the designation of an object in the Tycho Catalogue uses the Guide Star Catalog numbering system (a region number (TYC1) and a number within the region (TYC2)) followed by a Tycho specific component number (TYC3). Note on r_Vmag: if non blank, the field has the following meaning: B : no VTmag available, therefore BTmag was adopted D : derived from approximate BTmag and VTmag (r_BTmag field T36 is 'D') T : derived from approximate VTmag (r_BTmag field T36 is 'T') V : no BTmag available, therefore VTmag was adopted in Vmag Note on RAdeg, DEdeg: right ascension and declination are expressed in degrees for epoch J1991.25 (JD2448349.0625 (TT)) in the ICRS (International Celestial Reference System, close to J2000) reference system. Note on AstroRef: 'X' indicates a dubious astrometric reference star in the context of the Tycho catalogue. Note on Plx, pmRA, pmDE, e_RAdeg, e_DEdeg, e_Plx, e_pmRA, e_pmDE: For these fields the second decimal digit is always blank Note on F2: values exceeding +2.5 to +3 indicate a bad fit to the data. Note on r_BTmag: the source flag has the following meaning: D : approximate BTmag, VTmag obtained for resolved double stars M : BTmag and VTmag are median values rather than de-censored means N : BTmag and VTmag are de-censored means T : BTmag is not given, and VTmag is an estimate; these magnitudes are systematically too bright by up to 1mag. A blank indicates an Hipparcos star not observed by Tycho (T42 = H). Note on Q: the astrometric quality flag is defined by the following table, where sigma(max) is the largest of the 5 astrometric standard errors: --------------------------------------------------------- Q sigma(max) Astrometric quality --------------------------------------------------------- 1 < 5 very high 2 5- 10 very high 3 10- 25 high 4 25- 50 high 5 50-150 medium 6 < 150 perhaps non-single 7 < 150 low 8 < 150 perhaps non-stellar 9 ~ 200 low, position derived from TICR ('R' in Source field T42) blank --- unassigned, 'H' in Source field T42 (Hipparcos star not observed by Tycho) --------------------------------------------------------- Note on Source: H : Hipparcos star not observed by Tycho P : only the position was determined (no proper motion, no parallax) R : the position is derived from TICR catalog Note on Var: this flag is set when the variability is known: G : variable known in General Catalog of Variable Stars N : variable known in New Suspected Variables catalog Note on VarFlag: this flag has the following meaning: U : apparent variability in the Tycho data; may be due to duplicity V : strong evidence of intrinsic variability W : suspected intrinsic variability Note on MultFlag: unresolved duplicity status from Tycho data analysis: D : duplicity clearly indicated (BTmag and VTmag refer to combined light) R : duplicity weakly indicated, combined with indication of variability S : duplicity suspected Y : investigation for duplicity carried out on Tycho data, no indication of duplicity was found Z : investigation for duplicity not carried out blank : Hipparcos star not observed by Tycho Note on PPM: from the 3 parts of the PPM catalogue North , South , and 90000Supplement Note on Remark: if non-blank, the remark has the following meaning: J : disagreement with position of magnitude in GSC1.1 catalog K : dubious Tycho parallax (Plx) L : dubious Tycho proper motion (disagrees with PPM catalogue) M : very uncertain Tycho magnitude (standard error larger than 0.3mag) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: hd_notes.dat hg_notes.dat hp_notes.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 6 I6 --- HIP HIP number 8 A1 --- Note1 [DG] Double and multiple or General note 10 A1 --- Note2 [DP] Double and multiple or Photometric note 12- 13 I2 --- Ntot Total number of lines for the HIP object 15- 16 I2 --- Nline Running line number in range [1,Ntot] 18- 97 A80 --- Text Text of note. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: hp_refs.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 6 I6 --- HIP HIP number 8- 9 I2 --- Ntot Total number of lines for the HIP object 11- 12 I2 --- Nline Running line number in range [1,Ntot] 14- 19 F6.3 --- nRef Reference number (explained in hp_auth.dat) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: hp_auth.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 6 F6.3 --- nRef Reference number from hp_refs.dat 8- 77 A70 --- Text Text of reference -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: dmsa_o.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 3 I3 --- dmRef Reference number (hip_dm_o.dat file) 5 I1 --- Ntot Total number of lines for the reference 7 I1 --- Nline Running line number in range [1,Ntot] 9- 80 A72 --- Text Text of reference -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: Perryman M.A.C., Lindegren L., Kovalevsky J., Hog E., Bastian U., Bernacca P.L., Creze M., Donati F., Grenon M., Grewing M., van Leeuwen F., van der Marel H., Mignard F., Murray C.A., Le Poole R.S., Schrijver H., Turon C., Arenou F., Froeschle M., Petersen C.S., "The Hipparcos Catalogue" (1997A&A...323L..49P) Lindegren L., Mignard F., Soederhjelm S., Badiali M., Bernstein H.H., Lampens P., Pannunzio R., Arenou F., Bernacca P.L., Falin J.L., Froeschle M., Kovalevsky J., Martin C., Perryman M.A.C., Wielen R. "Double star data in the Hipparcos Catalogue" (1997A&A...323L..53L) Hog E., Baessgen G., Bastian U., Egret D., Fabricius C., Grossmann V., Halbwachs J.L., Makarov V.V., Perryman M.A.C., Schwekendiek P., Wagner K., Wicenec A., "The Tycho Catalogue" (1997A&A...323L..57H) van Leeuwen F., Evans D.W., Grenon M., Grossmann V., Mignard F., Perryman M.A.C., "The Hipparcos mission: photometric data." (1997A&A...323L..61V) ================================================================================ (End) M.Perryman [ESA], K.O'Flaherty [ESTEC], F.Ochsenbein [CDS] 11-Feb-1997